Contribute Funds

Projects in Myanmar

This fund supports the GVH Bursary project which aims to provide children from remote places in Myanmar with essential education materials, school uniform and after-school tuition classes to help increase their chance of eventually passing high school thus qualifying for tertiary education and eventually boost their chance of an employment. Through this fund, we also conduct GVH Summer Education Camp for these children as well as conduct GVH Continuous Learning workshops for the caregivers and local families so they can better take care of their children and orphans.

Indicative value of things:

$8 - 1 set of school uniform for 1 child.

$12 - Exercise books for 1 child for 1 academic year.

$75 - For a starter kit (daily Tuition + Stationery + School uniform) for 1 child
for 1 month

$295 - All educational needs (daily Tuition + Books + Stationery + School uniform) for 1 child for 3 months

$570 - All educational needs (daily Tuition + Books + Stationery + School uniform) for 1 child for 1 academic year

$1140 - All educational needs (daily Tuition + Books + Stationery + School uniform) for 2 children for 1 academic year


This fund supports the distribution of sacks of rice to widow families, orphanages and foster care homes on a monthly basis. We aim to distribute rice to hospitals as our secondary objective if the fund size allows. We have been running this project consistently since November 2014 and have distributed 1260 sacks of rice as of September 2018. This project currently supports about 200 children and 15 widows in 18 different homes. Hundreds of children we have come across are still undernourished and reaching out to us for help. Follow us on Facebook to read our monthly update for this project.

You can follow this Facebook Link to read the full information of this project.

We estimate that a 50kg sack of rice can feed 12 children 3 meals a day for 7 days. Rice is about 80% of their food intake in every meal.

We hope you could support these children by becoming a monthly rice donor. Ad hoc donors are most welcomed too!

Value of things:

$35 - a 50kg sack of rice + operational cost.


The fund aims to build water wells in remote villages, slums and schools so that the local people can have assess to drinkable and usable water conveniently. Do note that off-peak period for this project is from Mid June - Mid October during the monsoon season as water well digging is dangerous. Peak period is between Mid October - Mid February during the cold and dry season as we prepare for the hot and dry summer season Mid February - Mid June.

Check out this Facebook link for the 15th water well project we did in July 2018.

If you contribute at least $100 to a hand-pump water well or $500 to a machine-pump water well, you will have the opportunity to choose a name to be printed on an acknowledgement plate attached to the water well upon completion of the project.

Check out this Facebook link for a sample of an acknowledgement plate we did for the 8th Water Well Project in December 2016

Indicative Value of things:

$100 - Part of a fund pool to either build a hand-pump water well or a machine-pump deep well.

$150 - An elevated water tank to hold water for a village about 12 families and have the name of your choice reflected on the tank structure.

$300 - A manual hand-pump water well of about 100 feet deep + concrete floor + (Optional) concrete water tank which can serve about 5-10 families daily.

$500 - Part of the fund pool to build a deep machine-pump water well.

$2000 - 1 deep machine-pump water well running either on diesel or electricity of at least 300 feet deep + necessary piping + large concrete tank which can serve a village cluster of 100 families or the entire elementary school.


Over the past 4 years of explorations and research, we realised that many schools in Myanmar do not have enough essential equipment such as study benches, light, fan, cabinets and toilets. Many students in school located nearby slums and remote villages do not have enough study material, uniform and school bags as well. Even teachers may have insufficient teaching materials. We started this fund with the aim to improve the teaching and learning environment for teachers and students respectively in schools we come across.

As of September 2018, we have supported 6 elementary schools with infrastructure improvements. Here is an example of a project we did with the school by installing a full solar power system. Have a look!  

We hope to receive a minimum support of $40 per donor to be added into this fund pool. 

Indicative Value of things:

$40 - 1x study bench that can seat 3 students.

$150 - 600x exercises books, enough for 100 students for 1 month.

$200 - 1x large size cabinet with lock for teachers

$300 - To lay a path in the school on bricks and sand

$700 - Installation of a complete solar powered system to light up and ventilate up 4 classrooms in a typical elementary school.

$830 - To build a new permanent toilet with brick, cement, tiles and zinc roof.


In 2018, GVH aims to build a training centre to help youth and adults develop practical and thinking skills to increase their chance of employment. We are raising funds to help build the infrastructure of this training centre. Work includes

(1) Raising the current piece of land with sand to avoid flooding during rainy season
(2) Concrete foundation work strong enough to build a 2-floor house
(3) A 2000sqf floor area house (single floor) which has 1 office, 1 classroom, 1 library, 1 main hall, 1 caregiver living space, 1 kitchen and 2 toilets
(4) Sports, garden and domestic farming area.

We estimate that the total cost of the 1st phase of this project to cost $20,000.

Any contribution of $500 and above toward this project will have your name (or any name of your choice) to be reflected on our acknowledgement shield on the wall of the main hall for ages down the road.


If you do not have any preference on which project to donate to, please choose this option so that we have the liberty to channel your fund to the most needed project at the time of your contribution. Along the way, we also have small miscellaneous projects such as contributions including rice cooker, mattress, blanket and so on depending on the outcome of our research and exploration efforts. Choosing this option also allows us to execute such mini ad hoc projects as our journey continues.


If you like the work we do, please support us by contributing to our administrative and exploration team. Although GVH is run mainly by volunteers in Singapore who do not draw a salary for the work we do (in fact we pay for our own flights and accommodation if we travel to rural places in Myanmar), there are inevitable running cost incurred in order for us to function properly.

The first step to identify places and people worth lending a hand is the exploration process. Our on-the-ground team is constantly making recce and research trips to interact with the local villagers to learn more about challenges they are facing. Such efforts incur cost for transportation, food, first aid and equipment. Additionally, there are also administration cost incurred in order for GVH to function as an entity such as web hosting, government filing, banking charges, inventory, meal allowance, logistics and so on.

At this point in time, we are targeting to step up our exploration and research process so that we can identify and study more places and people in need of a helping hand.

Do help propel us forward!



Want to contribute in other ways?

We welcome you to contribute items as well.

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